Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Adobe Contribute

I just downloaded Adobe Contribute. It is intended to be used as an application to edit web pages and blogs. I am using it now to update my blog. It will work with Blogger (Obviously) and a variety of other blog hosts. It seems pretty useful if you have a variety of blogs or sites to keep track of and update on a regular basis.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Pirates of the Burning Sea

MFC Studios produces The Comic Book Novice, a comic book themed multi-media experience. We have a radio show, blogs, and video interviews. This is an interview with Jess LeBow, the content manager of the upcoming MMO "Pirates of the Burning Sea" from Flying Lab Software, that was shot at the 2007 New York Comic Con.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tech Ed 2007

Hello out there in Internet land.

I am at Tech Ed 2007 in Ontario, California at the moment. I have spent the last several days giving hands on demos to primary, secondary and post secondary educators. I have taught demos on Production Studio, Macromedia Studio, The Elements Twins (Photoshop Premiere), CS2 and InDesign. This may be the last time I get to demo the CS2 suite as Adobe announced yesterday the launch of CS3. I have been working with the betas for a while now and can honestly say that the programs are better than ever.



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Tuesday, March 06, 2007


This is a demo/making of video of the game MotorStorm for the Playstation3. It looks amazingly cool.
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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Flash Got is cool

I ran into another cool add-on for FireFox geared towards making blogging easier and more efficient. FlashGot allows me to sample and clip parts of a page and sent them to a variety of locations like this blog.
clipped from

FlashGot turns every supported download manager in a download manager for Firefox!

Is your preferred download manager not listed above? CLICK HERE

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Get Performancing

With all the cool and fancy tech in the world today it's hard to figure out what to stick with. I have switched on all my computers from IE as my browser to Firefox, and couldn't be happier. The tabbed browsing that IE just added has beeen in Firefox for years and the add-ons for FF are pretty sweet. I just got performancing a good blog editor that sits right inside my browser to enhance my functionality.

I just went to the Firefox add-ons page and added it.

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