Friday, December 09, 2011

Check out ThickBox 3.1

From the site:
"ThickBox is a webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library. Its function is to show a single image, multiple images, inline content, iframed content, or content served through AJAX in a hybrid modal."

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The 960 Grid System for Web Design

This is a site that talks about the 960 grid system that can be used to help provide structure for web pages:
Keep in mind that any grid system simply provides a visual guide system to start your design from. It is a visual organizational tool for those who are comfortable designing against a grid.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Free Javascript/JQuery/AJAX gallery and Image viewers

This link is to a posting about a variety of free Image galleries and/or slideshows using JQuery, AJAX or generic Javascript:

Free Social Media Icon Sets

This site has a nice post that links to a variety of free social media icon sets. Some of them are really great and best of all they are free.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Creativity vs Activity

One should not mistake activity for creativity.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Lightbox2 Javascript Image Gallery

This is a link to the Lightbox 2 Javascript image gallery:
You have probably seen this gallery used in a lot of web sites, it allows you to create an image overlay on your current page by clicking on a link. It can be used either for individual images or groups of images.

Friday, October 14, 2011

CSS Reset file

This is a link to the website where you can download the excellent Meyers CSS reset file.
It is a common practice to use a CSS reset files to eliminate inconsistencies in the appearance of your code due to the ways that different browsers render elements such as Headings (h1-h6), lists (ul, ol, li) and paragraphs (p).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What is Photoshop to you?

What is Photoshop to me?
I studied photography as a part of my undergraduate degree in Fine Arts but I was never a great photographer. I also studied painting at the same time, but once again was never the greatest. At the time they seemed lacking, I believe now that both mediums were limited (at least in my point of view) because they are based on the very real and rigid physical system. And a true mixed or multi-media experience is difficult, perhaps impossible to crate with them because of that.
And then there is Photoshop. What is Photoshop to me? It means that I can use and simulate photography and yet not be bound by the limitations of physical light. It means that I can paint and draw without being constrained by the rules that govern how pigments and medium react to my canvas or how graphite is affected by paper. It means that I get to choose, I have a tool that I can use to work within those physical limitations to create a work that mimics reality or if I prefer, I can go beyond them, to create artwork that could never possibly exist in a real world governed by physical laws.
It's my choice and that is what Photoshop is to me; It is my tool, my ability to choose to make a decision about my art. And that ability to choose is the most personal power that anyone can have.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Syllabus-TEVE 760-Editing I-Spring 2011


TEVE 760 Video Editing

Instructor’s information:

Name: Jerron Smith

Office location: N/A

Telephone: N/A



Office hours: N/A

Course information

Term and date:    Spring 2011

Course name: Video Editing 1

Course number and section:   TEVE 760                                     Credits: 3

Meeting times:    Thursday 06:00PM - 09:30PM     

Building and room number:     MA / MC61 - 927

Prerequisites and co-requisites:    None

Required texts (including ISBN numbers)

A textbook is not required for this course.

Materials and supplies

1: A portable hard drive is necessary for storing classwork and assignments that will be used throughout this course. Additionally, I tend to give student access to a wide variety of media and graphics libraries that I have collected over the years. To meet professional video editing standards you will need a firewire (400 or 800) hard drive of at least 120GB.

2: Headphones (they don’t have to be great but they do need to be long enough to reach the computer’s headphone jack.)

Course description (from catalog)

In this laboratory course, the process of video editing will be explored. Videotape formats,
the recording process and elements of post-production management as they apply to the
video editing environment will be studied. Familiarization with the operations of equipment
in the edit suite, such as the edit controller, videotape recorder and waveform monitor will
be included. Equipment varies at each location. Each student will receive hands-on training
on an editing system.

Course goals and introduction (from the instructor)

Media and technology are inherently linked. New media is created and pushed by the advent of new technologies and advancing technologies allow for the creation of new media.  Projects are designed to give students an introduction to industry standard video editing software. Editing is redirecting. It is an expression of the concept of montage. Editing is the process of taking a series of seemingly unconnected video sequences and reworking them into an understandable narrative. This class will cover the history of editing, the technical (how to use the editing systems) skills of editing and the aesthetics (what looks good and when to cut), because without an understanding of all three you aren’t an editor. Not am employable one anyway.

Learning outcomes and instruments of assessment

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the aesthetics and principles of editing as well as an understanding of the historical factors that have impacted the craft.
  2. Analyze project needs and incorporate current technological trends and concepts in the field of editing to make appropriate choices in relationship to technology.
  3. Demonstrate problem solving skills in the use of video editing technology
  4. Demonstrate a level of knowledge in the use of Final Cut Pro appropriate to an entry level junior editor.

Methods of Assessment will include:
  1. Technical skill: shows how well you have mastered the techniques we are using. Because yes, while it isn’t the end all and be all of being an Editor you do have to know which buttons to push to be employable, or to even be useful for that matter.

  2. Originally: reflects the originality and innovative quality of your idea. The craft of editing is all about creative problem solving. Have you chosen a creative route to solve the editing problem in front of you, (because yes, editing is all about solving problems) or did you play it safe and work within an already established routine(in other words are you boring)?

  3. Execution: exhibits how well your idea comes through overall. In reality anyone can come up with an idea that seems good in their head, but fewer individuals can actually make their dreams (or is often the case in this field the dream of the client) into reality. This is real life, if your ideas are impractical they won't do you or your client any good.

Additional Grading Criteria: participation in class critiques, turning in work on time, pushing your own limits during the semester, and demonstration of mastery of techniques and concepts covered in class.

Grading formula

Quality Points Per CreditMeaning of Grade
A (Excellent)
Represents exempleary work. Work consistently exceeds expectations of professional craft and quality.

B (Good)
Work meets expectations of professional craft and quality.

C (Satisfactory)
Work does not meet professional expectations of craft and quality.
D (Unsatisfactory)

Grading Criteria

Homework/Out of Class Assignments: 25%
Presentation 01: 10%
Midterm Project: 20%
Presentation 02: 10
Class Participation: 10%
Final Project: 25%

Description of assignments

1 - What is Editing?

What is Editing is the fundamental question of this course. Using an open media form, students will attempt to answer this question. This is not an easy question to answer or even one that can have a single answer or interrpretation so student will work through out the term to refine their project as their own understanding regarding the craft or editing increases.

2 - Travelogue

The travellogue is a type of documentary style project that tells of a journey to a new area. With footage provided by the instructor (or their own), students will edit a short form travel documentary. This travelogue will serve as a blended project being completed after work both in and outside of class.

3 - Oral Presentation 01

    Students will research and present an oral presentation to their classmates on a cinematic or television sequence that they fell was either very well edited or very poorly edited. The presenter should discuss why the edit is strong or weak, what they believe the editor was attempting to convey and how the editing choices that were made either move the project's narrative forward or retard it.

4 - Mid-term Project
    The mid-term project is the completion of the edit of a short dramatic or action sequence . Footage will be provided by the instructor.

5 - Presentation 02

    Students will research and present an oral presentation to their classmates on a topic related to the history or craft of Editing.

Possible Topics Include:

Edwin S. Porter | Lev Kuleshov | Anne Bauchens | Margaret Booth | Adrienne Fazan | Eda Warren | Blanche Sewell | Verna Fields | Paul Hirsch A.C.E. | Walter Murch | Stan Tischler A.C.E. | Art Seid A.C.E. | Stuart Bass A.C.E. | Montage | Juxtaposition | Sergei Eisenstein | D.W. Griffith | 180 Degree Rule | Establishing Shot & Shot Reverse Shot (Shot/Countershot) | Continuity Editing |  Luis Buñuel |  René Clair | Jean Luc Godard | François Truffaut | Andy Warhol | John Cassavetes | Edward Dmytryk

6 - Final Project
    The final project will be the completion of a short form dramatic, documentary, or music video project. Footage will be provided by the instructor.

The Reality of Studio Classes
• Plan on working on your projects outside of class time. The studio part of class time is not adequate for you to create good projects.
• It is highly unlikely that you will get an A grade in this class if any work is turned in late or is just plain missing or incomplete.

Policy for make-up exams and missed or late assignments

Any projects not turned in or incomplete projects that are turned in will be deducted from the final grade. Projects or partial project will not be accepted after the last day of class. No late final Exams will be given or late final projects accepted.

Attendance policy

On-time class attendance is required, 3 credit hours is the maximum absence allowed per semester. This allows absences of one class before your final grade can be penalized.  If you are late three times, it will be considered one absence.  Attendance will be taken by the professor at each session.

Withdrawal policy

A student may withdraw from a course without penalty through the end of the 8th week of class during a 14- or 15-week semester and through the 8th meeting during an 8week course cycle. After this, the student must be doing passing work in order to receive a W grade. Students who are not passing after the 8th week or equivalent will be assigned the grade of WF.

It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor of his/her intention to withdraw from a course. If a student has stopped attending class without completing all assignments and/or examinations, failing grades for the missing work may be factored into the final grade calculation and the instructor for the course may assign the grade of WF. The grade of F is used for students who have completed the course but whose quality of work is below the standard for passing.

Withdrawal forms are available in departmental offices and once completed must be filed with the registrar. Students should be reminded that a W notation could negatively impact their eligibility for financial aid and/or V.A. benefits, as it may change the student’s enrollment status (full-time, part-time, less than part-time). International students may also jeopardize their visa status if they fail to maintain full-time status.

Academic integrity and plagiarism policies

Each student enrolled in a course at NYIT agrees that, by taking such course, he or she consents to the submission of all required papers for textual similarity review to any commercial service engaged by NYIT to detect plagiarism.  Each student also agrees that all papers submitted to any such service may be included as source documents in the service’s database, solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers.

Plagiarism is the appropriation of all or part of someone else’s works (such as but not limited to writing, coding, programs, images, etc.) and offering it as one’s own. Cheating is using false pretenses, tricks, devices, artifices or deception to obtain credit on an examination or in a college course. If a faculty member determines that a student has committed academic dishonesty by plagiarism, cheating or in any other manner, the faculty has the academic right to 1) fail the student for the paper, assignment, project and/or exam, and/or 2) fail the student for the course and/or 3) bring the student up on disciplinary charges, pursuant to Article VI, Academic Conduct Proceedings, of the Student Code of Conduct.

Library Resources

All students can access the NYIT virtual library from both on and off campus at  The same login you use to access NYIT e-mail and NYITConnect will also give you access to the library’s resources from off campus. 

On the left side of the library’s home page, you will find the “Library Catalog” and the “Find Journals” sections.   In the middle of the home page you will find “Research Guides;” select “Video Tutorials” to find information on using the library’s resources and doing research. 

Should you have any questions, please look under “Library Services” to submit a web-based “Ask-A-Librarian” form.

Support for students with disabilities

NYIT adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504. The Office of Disability Services actively supports students in the pursuit of their academic and career goals. Identification of oneself as an individual with disability is voluntary and confidential. Students wishing to receive accommodations, referrals and other services are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Services as early in the semester as possible although requests can be made throughout the academic year.

Schedule of Dates

Tentative Topics
Readings or Other Assignments
Jan. 27

Introduction • Syllabus Review • What is Editing? • The Kuleshov Experiment • Continuity • Timing & Pacing

Feb. 3
Introduction to Digital Video/DV Basics • HD/HDTV • Frame Rate • TimeCode • Audio Sampling Rate • Tape vs Tapeless formats
My Kuleshov Experiment
Feb. 10
Logging and Capturing tape • Importing footage • Media Management

Feb. 17Working with Sequences & Clips • Editing the Travelogue Pt 1What is Editing? (first draft)
Feb. 24Editing the Travelogue Pt 2
Mar. 3
Lab Time
Travelogue Due at End of Class
Mar. 10Presentation01

Mar. 17
Lab Time
Midterm Project Due at End of Class
Mar. 24Spring Recess (No Classes Scheduled)

March 31Understanding Narrative Structure
April 7Creating Titles & Text

April 14Working with Audio

April 21
Lab Time

April 28
Lab TimeWhat is Editing? (final draft due)
May 5
Presentation 02

May 12
Lab Time

May 19
Lab Time
Final Project Due at End of Class